This project was created during a class that was teaching the fundamentals of design. In this class, we had a choice between two companies to make a design for. I decided to choose a dog sanctuary to get more familiar designing with non-profits. Our goal was to make a design that was effective at condensing information and enticing consumers to interact with the product. We were provided a design brief that had the company's colors, a mission statement, and details about registering, the company, and where to find them.
The first concept that I came up with was mostly about understanding how the colors would interact with each other and how the hiearchy would work. I was having trouble to putting all the information into a design that was not only cohesive but legible. I wanted the design to flow in a natural direction. This initial concept made me realize that most of my designs (up to that point in this particular class) was a bit too rigid when it came to alignment. I didn't play around with it and typically stuck to a middle or left alignment.
Wanting to break free from that, I researched other ways to manipulate alignment and the general hierarchy of a design. I felt that grids were an easy way to read information while giving each of the elements enough room to breathe. I also wanted to change the tone of the design. I felt that I had leaned too heavily on a playful tone and wanted to invoke a senes of security. I decided that the dark blue would be more suitable as the primary color while the green acts as more of an accent. I was able to layout each of the elements in a way that felt more visually appealing.
The main takeaway that I have from this project is the importance of considering how information flows in a design. I believe that the first concept could work, but I would need to change the font that surrounds the dog and consider a more exciting way to present this information to have a more consistent tone. I would actually change the image that I chose in my second iteration to still keep that playfulness. I feel that the text and clean aesthetic gives the design enough maturity to be taken seriously.
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